Ghana's most authoritative soccer website

#Number12: Kofi Manu, Eddie Doku formally charged for abuse of position

Messrs. Kofi Manu and Eddie Doku have been formally charged by the Ghana Football Association (GFA) Prosecutor for abuse of position following their actions captured in the ‘Number 12’ investigative piece by journalist Anas Aremeyaw Anas and his Tiger Eye PI outfit.

The anti-graft investigative piece, released on June 6, 2018, shook the foundations of Ghana football and exposed officials including then-President Kwesi Nyantakyi in compromised positions.

But the GFA, after a request in February 2020, only received raw footages of the Anas work “in order to deal with the matter which remains one of the key Compliance and Integrity demands from Fifa” on April 27, some six months into the administration of new GFA President Kurt E.S Okraku.

The GFA said “the videos are key components for the Ethics Committee in its work on this governance issue.”

Fast-forward September 18, a statement on the Ghana Football Association website states:

“The GFA Prosecutor has begun charging some individuals who were implicated in the Investigative Documentary titled “Number 12” by Tiger Eye PI.

Former Greater Accra RFA Chairman Nii Komiete Doku and Mr. Kofi Manu have both been charged for Abuse of position contrary to Article 25(1) of the GFA Code of Ethics, 2019.

They have also been charged for Bribery contrary to Article 27(1) and (2) of the GFA Code of Ethics, 2019.

Both are expected to submit their written Statements of Defence by Thursday, September 24, 2020, at the GFA Secretariat on or before 4:00 pm or through

They may, however, choose the option for a personal hearing before the GFA Ethics Committee on a date and time to be communicated.

Should they fail to choose any of the options, the Ethics Committee shall proceed to adjudicate the case in their absence.

Meanwhile, the GFA Prosecutor will send charge sheets to other individuals who were implicated in the investigative documentary.”





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