Ghana's most authoritative soccer website

Togbe Afede leads Autonomous Premier League Advisory C’ttee

Hearts of Oak Board Chairman, Togbe Afede XIV will be the Chairman of the Autonomous Premier League Advisory Committee.

This follows the decision of the Executive Council to name Dr. Toni Aubynn, and Dr. Kwame Baah-Nuakoh as its nominees to serve on the Committee.

They will join the three representatives of the Premier League clubs – Delali Senaye, CEO of Inter Allies; Mr. John Ansah, Operations Manager of Ebusua Dwarfs and Togbe Afede XIV.

The five-member committee will start the process leading to the Ghana Premier League going autonomous.

Also, the body is expected to submit its first draft to the Executive Council of the GFA within the first three months of work.

Ghana’s top-flight division is organized and managed by the GFA.

The 18-club competition is managed by the Premier League Committee with day-to-day administrative support from the GFA Competitions Department.




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