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GFA Elections: One-touch victory for Linford Asamoah in ExCo bid Duncan and Zida push RFAs slot battle into fifth round.

Linford Boadu Asamoah secured his seat in one attempt while Robert Duncan and Salifu Zida were locked in a four-round battle in Thursday’s elections among Regional Football Association (RFA) Chairmen.

The recently elected 10 Chairman of the Regional Football Associations were to pick two representatives on the next 12-member Executive Council of the Ghana football governing body on Thursday.

Six of them – Linford Asamoah, Robert Duncan, Salifu Zida, Ralph Gyambrah, Samuel Aboabire and Osei Tutu Agyeman – stepped up to contest for the two slots.

Asamoah, Chairman of the Eastern RFA, secured four votes to win the race in the first round.

But Duncan of Central Region and Zida of Upper East Region tied on 3 votes each.

Gyambrah and Aboabire also secured two votes each while Osei Tutu Agyeman who served on the last ExCo was the only one who voted for himself.

Three rounds of voting aimed at separating Robert Duncan and Salifu Zida could not produce a winner – 4-4, it tied at the end.

The Ghana FA, therefore, postponed the contest. In accordance with Article 30.8, a tie-breaker will be held during Friday’s Extraordinary Congress at the College of Physicians and Surgeons.




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