Ghana's most authoritative soccer website

#Number12: Ghalca told to shelve GFA Congress plans

A high-powered seven-man delegation from the Ghana League Clubs Association (Ghalca) met Sports Minister Isaac Asiamah Monday night in an attempt to dissuade government from going ahead with plans to dissolve the Ghana Football Association (GFA).

Ghalca held an emergency meeting earlier in the day where they took ‘critical’ decisions and want the government to given then chance to champion reforms instead of a dissolution of the current system.

At the meeting which had over 20 Chief Executives and Presidents of Football clubs taking active part of discussions, Ghalca has triggered article 23 of the Ghana Football Association Statutes and has called for an Extraordinary Congress within a minimum of five days.

42 of the clubs present voted in favor of the Emergency Congress, surpassing the required consent of 25 stipulated in the GFA Statutes.

The dialogue

Kudjoe Fianoo (Leader), Kweku Eyiah, George Afriyie, George Amoako, Ernest Kuffour, Nana Sam Brew Butler and Wilson Arthur form the 7-man team who met the Sports Minister later for a dialogue. They were to tell him that “as clubs, we have the capacity to resolve all the issues arising from the expose so we can resume our football,” Fianoo mentioned ahead of the meeting.

But their move hit hard rocks as they were told to forget their plans but rather patiently wait to witness how government succeeds in sanitizing Ghana football.

It is understood that a significant step was taken Monday with government filing for an injunction on the current GFA set-up

Why we are here

Government has stated it intends to dissolve its national football association following the Anas expose which revealed former GFA president Kwesi Nyantakyi, some Executive Committee members and match officials to be in clear violation of the FA’s/Fifa’s code of ethics.

The Executive Committee of the GFA had instituted a five-member team to meet with government to negotiate an amicable solution other than dissolution of the country’s football governing body.

But Ghalca moved to side-step the Executive Committee with some officials explaining that they were complicit in the wrongs of the Nyantakyi era.

Steps to dissolve GFA

We gather that the Attorney-General will be heading to the High Court Tuesday as government takes its steps for the dissolution of the GFA.

The government has filed two petitions – to liquidate the football association and also an ex parte motion seeking an injunction to restrain the GFA from operating or doing anything in terms of football.





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