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#SuperClash penalty controversy: It was a clear handball – Sadick Adams

Asante Kotoko striker Sadick Adams insists referee Dally Gagba’s made the right call in awarding Kotoko a penalty in the 1-1 draw with Hearts of Oak.

Gagba’s awarded Kotoko a penalty which Sadick Adams converted to pull the Porcupine Warriors leveled after Kwame Kizito had put the Phobians ahead. But replays show that the ball appeared to hit the face of midfielder Leonard Tawiah and not his hand.

Sadick Adams, who said he was close enough to the action to tell which part of Tawiah’s body the goal-bound effort from Amos Frimpong hit said it was a clear handball.

Hearts players protest referee Dally Gagba’s decision

“Yes, it hit his hand and the referee whistled for it. We all saw it. That was the only chance we had. We had to make use of it otherwise we would’ve lost the game. I had to score and I did,” Adams said when quizzed on what he saw.

Hearts of Oak midfielder Winful Cobbinah has already blasted the referee claiming “he came into the game to favor the home team” while his coach Frank Nutall said he always felt the only way Kotoko were going to score was through the spot kick.

Kotoko’s coach Steve Polack has opted not to speak on the matter saying he “respects” the referee’s decision.



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