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Kotoko, Hearts games are the easiest – Retired referee GK Manu

Derbies are always hot-tempered, emotional and feisty and calm heads are always needed in the centre to ensure such games do not go beyond their boundaries.

The case is no different in Ghana where clashes between Kotoko and Hearts generate so much controversy and tension before, during and after games.

The 2017 league clash between both sides will be remembered for two controversial penalty decisions which are both disputed till date.

And referee GK Manu believes he is one of the calm heads who can easily officiate such ties. For him, these games are the easiest to handle.

“I can confidently say Kotoko and Hearts matches are the easiest as far as matches in Ghana are concerned,” GK Manu told Abusua FM.

“If you are a referee and you claim to be under tension when you have the Police and Military solidly behind you, then it is better you quit refereeing.

“They [referees] have gone through rigorous training and should be ready for any game. If you appointed to officiate accept it and do a decent job,” he concluded.

His claims are however opposed by fellow referee Charles Dowouna who felt these games scare most referees in Ghana with many shying away from officiating such top matches – pointing to the fact that they don’t want to be in the centre of any controversies.

Referee Manu was speaking on the back of enormous backlash being meted out to referee Dally Gagba, who awarded Asante Kotoko a controversial penalty in their 1-1 draw against Hearts.


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