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SWAG petitions PLB/GFA over “increasing” attacks on journalists

The Sports Writers Association of Ghana is drawing the attention of ƴour good office to the increasing attacƙs on journalists at various league centres nationwide.

The Sports Writers Association of Ghana (SWAG) is not enthused aɓout the irresponsible and barbaric attacks on journalists at some league centers in recent times and calls on authorities to act in arresting this canker.

The latest attacks happened at the Accra Sports Stadium last Sunday when a journalist, Miss Senyuidzorm Adadevor was removed from the inner perimeter by some fans of Accra Great Olympics during the 5th week league match.

What is more worrying is that the attack was supervised by a management member of the club, Mr Olloboi Commodore, who supported the act of the fans calling for the removal of the journalist from the inner perimeter of the Stadium. A similar incident happened at Ɗormaa Ahenkro as Aduana played Hearts.

SWAG is also saddened by the fact that some of these attacks on journalists were done in the full glare and participation of security personnel, club owners and officials, who sometimes watched on whilst journalists are beaten for carrying out their basic functions.

Such acts will not in any way help in the development and promotion of the league, especially at these trying moments when the league is bereft of corporate sponsorship. We can only attract the needed sponsorship to support clubs, if supporters and officials desist from such acts.

Journalists must be given the needed protection and conducive environment to discharge their duties without fear or favour. All stakeholders especially the security must ensure media personnel are given adequate protection before, during and after matches to ensure the safety and security of journalists.

SWAG is calling on the PLB and the GFA to take severe actions against officials and supporters of clubs that attack journalists on their duty lines. Should such situations repeat, SWAG will not hesitate to go at all lengths and react including but not limiting to asking journalists and media houses to boycott all activities that promotes the leagues.


Aduana Stars/Hearts

Journalists James Sowah and Felix Kwabena Romark were molested, assaulted and denied access to the media center. Eventually, they sat in the fans to run their live text commentary on social media.

Gideon Ɓotchwey, a photojournalist of Asante Kotoko Express was last week physically abused at Obuasi ɓy a fan and security men while he was performing his duties during the Ashgold versus Asante Ƙotoƙo match.

Last season Sammy Addo of Happy FM was pushed, booted and slapped by a policeman for attempting to conduct an interview after the Inter Allies clash with Kotoko at the Tema Park, despite showing his Identity Card.

A journalist was also slapped in Ƙumasi last season and the case is still with the police.

Seidu Adamu of First Digital TV and Precious Semevoh and other journalists were harassed and driven out of the Nania Park by team officials of the home side for attempting to report on the match between Nania FC and Great Olympics.

These and other incidents involving journalists should not be tolerated and we call on your office to act now for journalists to continue rendering our valuable services. Waiting on your anticipated response. Thanƙ you.

Cc: The Acting General Secretary,

Ghana Football Association.

The Inspector General of Police,

Ghana Police Service.

The Press.

Ƴours faithfully,

William Ezah,

(General Secretary)



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