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Hearts of Oak confirms Nassam Yakubu’s resignation

Accra Hearts of Oak SC has confirmed the resignation of goalkeeper’s trainer, Nassam Yakubu.

His resignation comes days after the assistant coach of the club Yaw Preko resigned.

Hearts of Oak’s pre-season has been stalled as a result of financial issues and also an unstable technical team. And now, with barely a week to the start of the GHALCA G6 tournament, the club has been hit with another exit of a technical team member.

According to a statement released on Thursday and signed by the Public Relations Officer of the club, Kwame Opare Addo, the club had received a letter of resignation from Nassam Yakubu and has accepted his request to leave his role.


Accra Hearts of Oak sporting Club Limited accepts the resignation of goalkeeper’s trainer Nassam Yakubu.

The Board and management of Accra Hearts of Oak wish to inform the general public especially supporters of the club that, it has today accepted a request by Nassam Yakubu to resign his position as the goalkeeper’s trainer of the club.

The club wishes to appeal to the general public to respect the decision of Mr. Nassam Yakubu since he indicated that it was influenced by private and personal reasons.

The club wishes him well in all his future endeavour.

Phobia!!!!!! We never say die.


Thank you.


Kwame Opare Addo

Public Relations Officer



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